Lobster PIM implementation
Lobster PIM GmbH
Show infopool page of Lobster PIM GmbH
Updated on: 2021-01-13
Service description Lobster PIM implementation
The Lobster PIM service includes consulting and planning of data structure etc tailored for the customers needs. Connecting and embedding the system in the existing infrastructure and databases is included.
As central place to bundle all product data information in all available languages, Lobster PIM is the standard solution needed for successful multi channel marketing and commerce.
Reference customers
Example of Lobster_pim customers:
(CaseStudies: https://www.lobster-world.com/en/lobster-pim/)
John Deere,
Thonet Möbel,
Lehner Vertriebs AG,
Erich Jaeger,
IT services
Focus areas |
Consistent product information, Integrated data management, Coordination of translation processes, |
Partner |
www.a-f.ch, www.advellence.com, www.celum.com, www.cyberhouse.at, www.das-concept.de, www.fcko.de, www.fhcon.de, www.hoerl-im.de, www.media-office-gmbh.de, www.payone.de, www.pixelboxx.de, www.priint.com, www.quinscape.de, www.sdzecom.de, www.six.de, www.wps.ch |
Focus areas | |
Consistent product information, Integrated data management, Coordination of translation processes, |
Partner | |
www.a-f.ch, www.advellence.com, www.celum.com, www.cyberhouse.at, www.das-concept.de, www.fcko.de, www.fhcon.de, www.hoerl-im.de, www.media-office-gmbh.de, www.payone.de, www.pixelboxx.de, www.priint.com, www.quinscape.de, www.sdzecom.de, www.six.de, www.wps.ch |
Media production services
Focus areas |
Suppying web and print channels with consistent product information, Database publishing for efficient advertising and e-commerce |
Partner |
www.pixelboxx.de, www.priint.com |
Focus areas | |
Suppying web and print channels with consistent product information, Database publishing for efficient advertising and e-commerce |
Partner | |
www.pixelboxx.de, www.priint.com |
Support services
Focus areas | Lobster_pim is a standard software "Made in Germany" - support and documentation are available in German and english. |
Partner |
www.a-f.ch, www.advellence.com, www.celum.com, www.wps.ch |
Focus areas | |
Lobster_pim is a standard software "Made in Germany" - support and documentation are available in German and english. | |
Partner | |
www.a-f.ch, www.advellence.com, www.celum.com, www.wps.ch |
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