Demo media channel
Consulting on all aspects of marketing technology: provider-neutral, competent and effective.
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Contact person
Frau Ira Melaschuk
+49 6031 721 903
Booking options
This is a sample text in the booking options area. If the entry is not filled in, this area is not published on the page.
Media segment
This is a sample text in the media segment area. If the entry is not filled in, this area will not be published on the page.
Media type
This is a sample text in the media type area. If the entry is not filled in, this area is not published on the page.
Target group
This is a sample text in the Target group area. If the entry is not filled in, this area will not be published on the page.
Marketing objective
This is a sample text in the marketing objectives section. If the entry is not filled in, this area will not be published on the page.
Customer Journey
This is a sample text in the Customer Journey section. If the entry is not filled in, this area is not published on the page.
Ad media
This is an example text in the advertising material section. If the entry is not filled in, this area will not be published on the page.
This market overview has been compiled with great care. Nevertheless, incorrect information cannot be entirely avoided. Melaschuk-Medien accepts no liability for the content. Users are responsible for using and verifying the information provided. Please let us know if you have any comments, suggestions for changes or notifications according to the Digital Services Act (DSA) in the contact form.