= Content-Delivery-Network. CDN is a system that ensures fast provision of accessed websites with particularly high traffic and a high reach. The load distribution of the server is supported and the user experience (UX) is optimized.
A CDN consists not only of a server but of a whole group of servers (network). A so-called node distributes the data to other servers, so the path of the data depends exclusively on the geographical location of the user. The closer the respective server is to the user, the shorter the response time and the faster the content can be delivered.
Range of application
Especially for streaming of audio and video files (moving image) content delivery networks are used.
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Technical terms for C
- Technical term C2C
- Technical term Caching
- Technical term CAD
- Technical term Call centre
- Technical term Call to action (CTA)
- Technical term Canvas
- Technical term CCD
- Technical term CD
- Technical term CDN
- Technical term CDP
- Technical term Certified PDF
- Technical term CGI
- Technical term Chatbot
- Technical term CI
- Technical term CIE
- Technical term CIELAB
- Technical term Client
- Technical term Client server
- Technical term Closed Shop
- Technical term Cloud computing
- Technical term Cloud-native
- Technical term CMS
- Technical term CMYK
- Technical term Coating
- Technical term Colour channel
- Technical term Colour depth
- Technical term Colour difference
- Technical term Colour management
- Technical term Colour management system
- Technical term Colour profile
- Technical term Colour space
- Technical term Colour temperature
- Technical term Combined form
- Technical term Compatibility
- Technical term Composite file
- Technical term Computer-to-Plate
- Technical term Computer-to-Press
- Technical term Computer-to-Print
- Technical term Content marketing
- Technical term Contextual Targeting
- Technical term Contract proof
- Technical term Conversion rate
- Technical term Cookie
- Technical term Corporate blog
- Technical term Cost-per-Click (CPC)
- Technical term Cost-per-Lead (CPL)
- Technical term Cost-per-Mille (CPM)
- Technical term Cost-per-Order (CPO)
- Technical term CRM
- Technical term Cross-media publishing
- Technical term Crowdfunding
- Technical term Crowdsourcing
- Technical term CSS
- Technical term Customer journey